Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Oooopps forgot this one

Love this little doodle, getting the hang of the ol' bi-planes at the moment. Next I'll be onto 'jalopy's' (I think that's how its pronounced, anyhoo..).

I would like to point out that at some point most of these drawings / vomit splatters on the page will be art worked up to show my complete disregard of colour in all its entirety.



Another year of screaming and snapping pencils

Right, sorry for the delay in posting anything new or amusing but it's been a case of just drawing crap really. My girlfriend caught me doodling at 1.30am the other morning, couldn't sleep and apparently couldn't draw either!
My new year has started to piss me off already, kitten farts I ask you!

Okay have to go now as I have to get up at 3.30am to go to work (in a vague mood of grump about this already, I predict naughtiness).
Anyway some crap doodles for you.