Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Sharks WIP

 Gosh, its been awhile, I've been busy doodling comics and storyboards.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Poster Rough

 Hello sorry for the lack of updates, but I do have and will be showing all new doodles in the next few days.

 I drew this this evening and if the client signs off on it I'll be inking it over the weekend... or some comic panels but I'll certainly show you whatever it is I end up doing.

 Autumn suits us.


Thursday, 3 September 2015

Brush Work

 A bit of brush work today. I like the deep black of the shadows.

 I heard a 42 minute Bevis Frond guitar solo today (twice). It was rather splendid.

 I hope that you're enjoying your day.


Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Panel for a Page...

... that I'll never have the time to get finished. I used a £2 brush for the inking and I have to say that I enjoyed myself.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Sharks Is A Go!


 A big thank you to all the people who took the time to back the faintly insane Sharks on a Train Kickstarter.

 I'm looking forward to reading the script and getting started on the art.

 New doodles will be posted as and when.

 I hope that you're enjoying the day wherever you are.


 p.s. I've just bought a rather saucy new brush to ink with - I'm very excited.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Sharks On A Train Kickstarter is Live!

 If you like sharks, trains or high jinks then please feel free to check out a new project that I'm working on.

 I hope that you're having a wonderful day in the sunshine.


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

3-0 Down

 Nice natter to the folks and managed to rough out and finish a couple of inked pages.

 I hope that you've had an exciting and productive day.


Sunday, 21 June 2015

Still going wrong!

 Gosh this panel may end me!

 I hope that you've all been out enjoying the sunshine and perhaps had an ice cream - I did!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

When Inking Goes Wrong!

 I really shouldn't be allowed to use ink and a brush.

 Its sunny here I hope that you're having fun where you are.


Sunday, 31 May 2015

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

'Rough' Day

 Spent the day roughing out pages for clients and whilst awaiting feedback thought I'd doodle something none panel orientated.

 I'm off to battle a moth!


Sunday, 15 March 2015

Mothers Day

 Hope that you've all had a wonderful Sunday. I'm covered in ink.


Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Like A Hurricane

 Mr Neil Young blasting as I attempt  to ink. Its a disaster.

 Wrap party in London tomorrow with the sometimes delightful HH- mine will be a lemonade.

 Warm up drawing with a cheap brush and lots of ink.


Monday, 9 March 2015

Hello Again

 Sorry for the lack of any updates, there will be a lot of art dumped on this site in the upcoming weeks.

 I hope that you're in the rudest of health and are enjoying a corking day.