Monday, 16 September 2019

Spicy crisps and doodles

 Hey All

 I've had a splendid day with the wonderful K, doodling and eating chocolate and crisps.

 Its dark and rainy just the way I like it.

 You look delightful.


Monday, 2 September 2019

It's finally finished!!!!!!!!!

Hello All and by golly you all look lovely!

Its finally done dusted and out now on AMAZON, yep thats right my book is out!!!

 It couldn't have been done without the scrumptious K showing me where things go and gently prodding me in the right direction. Cheers K.

 Hopefully it goes right to the top of the romance section on the kindle (or failing that the teen time traveler section or even the thriller section).

 Anyway here's the cover for you to dribble over.

 Hugs and love (K)
