Thursday, 30 April 2020

motorhead-sympathy for the devil

Hello all
Pretty average day so far but with some glorious bits (K).

Started a deer, finished a storyboard, watched a Godzilla film with K and laughed at lily's misadventures with a poo bag.

Song of the week - motorheads cover of sympathy for the devil. Is there a greater voice to snarl the words come on, come on come on just before the solo. It's just sooo good, go check it out its on YouTube.

As always I hope you're all safe and healthy. 
A page of storyboard frames.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Did I tell you...

.. that I stepped on a bee while wandering through the house barefoot!

 Thankfully I didn't cry (K was terribly impressed with my manliness).

 I hope you're all doing well and staying safe.

 Hugs and air kisses from a safe distance.

 (I like the below doodle)


Saturday, 25 April 2020

day in bed doing nothing

Hello all

I hope all you sexy people are safe and well and most importantly having some fun during the lockdown.

I watched Doctor Strange with the utterly captivating K.

Honey has even been well behaved!

Stay safe


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Old iPod blasting

 Afternoon all you lovely people.
It's horribly bright and sunny here and even though we're in lockdown I may have got a tan
Remembered I have an old iPod with me and had a splendid couple of hours listening to some old tunes.
The delightful K is downstairs being a teacher/ parent to one of the kids. I'm upstairs debating finishing off a storyboard.
I hope you're all safe and well.
WiFi has just dropped out again - sigh.
Air kisses from a safe distance.

Monday, 20 April 2020

I've ruined K ..

.. with lashings of my chili and that kids is not a euphemism!
The wonderful lady K and I hope you're all safe and well.
Finished this doodle today and I don't hate it.
Hope you've had a great day.
My great niece is doing fine by the way.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

So for the first time ever ..

 .. it seems the delightful but somewhat insane Honey is sleeping with K and I tonight! No idea how this will turn out or even if it'll last the evening but I'm happy.

 In other news my niece has finally ambled off to the hospital as the baby as finally decided to move things along.

 Honey sniffed another dog and there was no bloodshed (she also ate a plateful of homemade onon rings, her poop has been horrific).

 Song of the day was Damion Rice - Coconut skins - always makes me smile.

 Old doodles.

 Big hugs (K says Hi -Honey ha just fallen off the bed)


Monday, 13 April 2020

Bank holiday Wowzers!!

 Evening all

 A miracle has happened. Yep I got the beautiful hound from hell not to pull me while on the leash!!

 No-one is more astonished than I!

 This youTube vid by Nigel Reed has worked, obviously its early days but by golly what a breakthrough, the mans a genius. When I told the wonderful K of our success I thought she may cry.

 (By the way Nigel Reed was a bit of a hunk 10 years ago according to K)

 In other news I almost finished my favourite of all the space pirate doodles today, hopefully I can show it tomorrow.

 Below is the inked final cover for WAR GODS OF THE DEEPS first album.

 Smooches (K)


Sunday, 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday scribbles

 Happy Easter all you splendid people

 Its sunny, warm and resembles a countryfied hell.

 I've walked the dog and sorted out some lockdown doodles in Ps (or magic to you muggles).

 My stinky niece still hasn't given birth!

 Currently listening to the podcast What happened to Annie?

 Laughed with the wonderful K this morning!

 Stay safe and healthy.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Space pirates Ahoy

 Evening all

 I've just watched the rather lovely K burn her mouth on some hot soup, not once but twice!!

 Is it wrong that I laughed?

 Its been a day like many others, dog walk, washing up and doodles. The sexy space pirate doodle below is the only one I got finished today and I have to say I don't hate it.

 Happy birthday to my little sis who due to the lockdown has spent it by herself. Love my la sis.

 Hope you're all safe and well.

 Fav song of the day has to go to Trivium Catastrophist


Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Sunshine, failing knees and a dog called Honey

 Hello all (K)

 I was rather stupid last night, I did some kettlebell exercises and I did them with gusto! I should never do things with gusto as my 'good' knee gave out while walking the furry bundle of chaos that is Honey this morning.  All alone in a sunny field, some mild cursing but some great tunes (never walk the dog without music). The kettlebell could be the thing that ends me.

 So an action packed start to the day and its only just began!

 Off to get some shopping soon with the utterly wonderful K as I 'm running low on sweets and crisps.

 My stinky niece still hasn't given birth to my great niece!!

 Song of the day Still Loving You - Scorpions

 I may watch more of Brooklyn 99 today.

 I hope you're all safe and well (avoid gusto at all costs)

 Love and hugs

(its not terribly exciting I know but it was drawn a couple of days ago and the client didn't like it- so on the blog it goes)

Sunday, 5 April 2020

space pirate lockdown doodle

 Hey all

 I hope you're all somehow enjoying the weekend.

 I wore a facemask which K made me and I looked foolish if a bit of a badass (in my mind). No-one else had one on and weirdly there was a few people knocking about. I don't follow the trends I set them.

 Highlight of the day was Honey meeting another dog and it not ending in bloodshed.

 Song of the day - You just Know Bernard Butler.

 Binging Friends at the moment.

 Stay safe


Saturday, 4 April 2020

Many press ups and one doodle later...

 .. a missed friends birthday (Happy birthday to my wonderful chum Youngie), my nieces due date has been and gone, K's making face masks and looking spectacular and I've only one episode of Money heist season one left.

 Song of the day - Black flies by Ben Howard

 Bit of a storyboard from a project that proved to be a bit of a nightmare.

 Hope you're all safe.


Thursday, 2 April 2020

Money Heist and inking!

 Hello all (but especially my wonderful K)

So another day in lockdown is over and I've spent the vast majority of it inking two b/g's and watching season one of Money Heist the bonkers Spanish crime drama.

 Best song of the day - Papa was a rolling stone.

 Loved this doodle.

 Hope you're all safe.


Wednesday, 1 April 2020


 A recent action sequence that I roughed out for Sean's BD.

 Hope you're all safe and well (I'm with K so all's well with me)


A new month same old lockdown!

 The binmen came on a different day and I didn't put the bin out!

 Off to buy some supplies with the incredible K, walk Honey and then finish off a bunch of frames for D.

 An old doodle for you.

 Stay safe.
