Friday, 31 July 2020

Hot days and Magnum bars

 Song of the day Freebird - a corker by any standards!

 The below is the shadows to attach to the final inks of a comic page that I don't hate.

 Honey has been a delight on her walks for the past few days, we've chased deer, rabbits and barked at other dogs, all in the glorious morning sunshine.

 Have a beautiful day.



Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Bins out in the morning

 Hello all

 The below is a very old collection of doodles put together for a very early website (cheers D), I was looking for something else but hey.. Has my 'style' even improved??

 I hope you're all doing splendid things, I'm off to do a cheeky 6 miler for some crisps.


Monday, 27 July 2020

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Morning sunshine

 Hello all you splendid people

 I'm just back from a two hour wander with Honey, these strolls are rapidly becoming a favourite part of my day.

 The below is another comic project that's due to go on Kickstarter soon (I have to say I'm confused by the cover but thats just me), it's the unedited version (I may actually scrap the bottom two panels and do my own for my portfolio).

 The utterly wonderful K was working until 3am this morning so is planning on a quiet start to the day (my snarling at the next page of drawings will have to be kept down to a murderous growl).

 Anyway I hope you all have a super day.

 Tune of the day - Children of the Grave - Sabbath


Sunday, 19 July 2020

One more

 Morning All

 I hope you're all having a relaxing Sunday morning. K has just taken Honey out for her stroll so its all quiet here at the cottage.

 A big day of doodling planned for today, I may post some of the results tomorrow.


Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Walking Honey to the sound of shotgun blasts!

 Morning all!

 Lovely stroll to the soundtrack of shotguns!

 Here's last nights doodle that I finished while chatting to Youngie.

 K and I are enjoying season 2 of Killing Eve at the moment.

 Have a fantastic day doing glorious things (I'm doing stinky character sheets)!


Monday, 13 July 2020

A day of inks and the company of K

 Hey all

 Its a splendidly rainy evening here and I have a giant hunk of ginger!

 The evermore beautiful K is busy (at some point she's teaching Alice some math so that should be fun), downstairs doing many things.

 I'm off, here's a tiny A5 doodle.




Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Doodle on cardboard

 Hello all

 Drew this while chatting shit with my mate in his comic shop.

 Tune of the day - All along the watchtower by of course Hendrix.

 Saw a deer and a rabbit. K says 'Hi'


Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Pizza in bed

 Hello all

 My lovely K's is yet again editing downstairs after a whirlwind of a day! I'm upstairs eating pizza in bed (ho ho - shhh)

 Finished the first 5 pages of Plainer Jane so that the client can now crack on with his kickstarter campaign. 

 Abyssal Albian is just under the two grand mark with 19 days to go.

 Lots of tunes on this mornings wander with Honey but the last one that I tunelessly sang along to was...

 AC/DC - Dirty Deeds 

 Have a great day/evening 


Monday, 6 July 2020

Five days and no doodles!!!!

 Hello all

 My terribly wonderful K is downstairs doing splendid editing things.

 I saw three deer this morning quite close up as Honey looked the other way and completely missed them!

 Utterly in love with the Neil Young and Pearl Jam tune I am the ocean.

 Have a hug 


Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Another Space Pirate doodle

 Hello all

 The delightful K had a bbq last night and even though my burgers were 'charred' the evening was splendid, we sat surrounded by fairy lights laughing and playing with Honey.

 I drew this doodle the other day, I was hiding from real work.

 Big hugs
