... because I'm hopeless at it!
Oh and if you'd like to see the delightful K chatting about the oxford comma check out the link below
Hey all
I liked this drawing but it just didn't fit so it's been discarded. I'm sketching up the first 10 pages again and then I'll show D (or I may just ink them and then show him). I've always wanted this page to be a double page spread and no-one ever writes them for me, so I'm creating my own (and several other interlocking pages as well).
Hope you're all enjoying a splendid weekend so far.
So for the next few days I'll show some old rough work from Harriet as well as some new sketches. I'm so excited to have finally started. I've always been crippled with indecisivness over this project because its such a good script and D's a mate and I don't want to let him down.
I'm making some pacing changes which I'll do in the rough stage and chat to D about it.
Hope you've all had a great weekend.
Hello all
while I like the outcome here the comic page was utter drivel with many ink drops splattered on the page.
The quite lovely K and I had an enjoyable lockdown afternoon.
Evening all
Splendid morning bike ride in the snow.
This is the finished inks for the Jamie me piece. I don't love it as I hate drawing dull posters or covers. Why not make the cover/poster exciting?
Had the best afternoon nap with the evermore delightful K.
So it looks like Trump is going to be impeached for a second time and I discovered that my favorite fibre tipped pens ink isn't waterproof which would have been a problem had I not had a go on a doodle sheet first!
Results below.
I'm quite happy with how the cover/poster turned out, I may post some pic of it tomorrow.
The ever so wonderful K is chortling downstairs, no doubt basking in her wordpress triumph.
Enjoy a corking evening.
Morning all
The lovely K and I had a quick bike ride this lockdown Monday (car in for MOT - failed).
I had a hopeless afternoon trying to get Mypaint to work with my xp-pen, incredibly frustrating!!
I hope you had a great start to the week.
Stay safe
well aside from a little Ps work and hunting for a bit of ref' for tomorrows cover inks.
Hello all you splendid people.
Hope lockdown #3 is treating you well. Here's a bit of a doodle.
I made the delightful K in the car again - when will I learn!!! We ended up going off on a cozy tangent.
Part of todays inks.
Hello all
My new bike tire cast the same as the entire bike!!! Still fingers crossed there won't be as many stinky flats from now on.
New page from Plainer Jane #2 which I quite like.
I forgot to say Kim made me laugh so hard I barked and cried for such a long time. Thankfully K saw the funny side and cried with laughter. If you want to know more ask me why she didn't want to use my white paint.
have a wonderful evening/day.
Hope you've all had a fantastic day.
Honey has just thrown up in the living room. The ever wonderful K is now wearing a head torch indoors for some reason.
Hello all and a happy new year to you all!
I'm going to try and post a bit more often this year, little scribbles and the occasional page.
Hope we all have a great 2021!