Cough cough.
Yep I've caught a stinker of a cold!
Had to cancel meeting some chums because the two projects that I wanted finished haven't even been looked at! I have a massive headache.
The below doodle is from a project that went nowhere, I may have a look at it at a later date.
Have a great day (sneeze).
Hello (cough) all!
Had a lovely stroll with the beast this morning and thankfully it was a little cooler than yesterday. I met a woman walking her dogs yesterday who had a cold and I laughed at her. Now after a three hour return journey with a very grumpy K (it should have taken 30 minutes tops), I feel quite rough, I have a very scratchy throat and a bit of a cough!!!!
The below couple of panels are for a current client, we'll see if he wants to continue with the project once I get the final panel to him later on today.
I hope you all feel much better than me.
Morning all!
Slow start to the day but thankfully the client I sent a late night text to liked the drawings! Uh oh, sounds like drama downstairs so I'll stay here and add some more detail to the drawing.
I totally forgot to mention that Abyssal Albion #3 is live on Kickstarter!
Have a great day!
Evening all!
So I slept most of the day which came as a bit of a surprise. I missed the girls cutting and dying each others hair which I think is a delight. I did however manage to rework the below image with a lot more detail just before I crashed hard.
K has hiccups which is a surprise as I thought she'd get them last night from the booze.
Hope you're having a great day.
P.s my wonderful nephew got his promotion!
Sorry Snoop but the ever enchanting K says 'NO'!
Off for a pint this evening at the village pop up bar (okay I'll have a water).
I'm finishing off Tim panels today which has been fun.
The pic is from one of Barry's pages.
Have a great day.
Hello all.
I finished up the 5 pages that Barry asked me to do for him (the ever slinky sexy K seemed to like them so that was a bonus). I like them but I don't love them, I did enjoy working on them but... I did enjoy adding the backgrounds and even adding characters in the edit, something to think about for the future.
Anyway I'll show some of the work in the coming days.
Have a fantastic day!
Hello all
Hope you're all having a great start to the day. I wasn't here to witness this mornings chaos the beautiful K has jury duty to get to, Alice didn't get up in time to catch the school bus. Meanwhile Honey and I just ambled round our fields in the sunshine, we even saw a la fox which was a joy.
Here's a page of doodles
Have a great day everyone.
Hello all!
Had a lovely wander with Honey while the ever beautiful K tried and failed to get ready for Jury service!
I'm working on a few panels of a story for a (gasp) best selling writer today, as well as trying to finish off Barry's five page comic.
Have a great day.
Evening all.
So before I turn in for the evening, today drawing wise its been a disaster, the ever young K was galivanting in London with an old boyfriend, Honey managed TWO walks without limping which was a huge relief. K has jury service this week and is trying to fix her tiny travel laptop so she can do some editing in between cases.
It was fathers day and I managed to natter to my Dad for all of 2 minutes as my sis, niece and great niece were round causing mayhem (my sis baked a cake which looked lovely).
Right that's it for me.
Evening all!
So I had a bike ride with Alice today, she fell off three times! But she made up for it with a bag full of sweets. Sweets cure everything!
So it's a Sat without footy and I hate it. I've drawn up a Barry page and inked a bit of the back cover of Honeypot which is long overdue.
Have a wonderful evening.
Hello all
The ginger stinker is improving but we still can't go on any walks for a few days and certainly no chasing rabbits for a while!!
Busy day of doodling for me.
Hello all.
Stinky Honey seems to have hurt her paw/paws! The fields have been cut so she's been able to run around more so than usual. Last night one of the none furry stinkers noticed her limping so no walks for the next couple of days to see what happens.
The beautiful K got her bike fixed! Lets hear all the excuses from her now, ha ha.
Hello all
So it's my beautiful K's birthday and by golly she looks lovely.
It also saw the return of Snoop to our dog walk and a couple of shaggy additions who decided to join us.
I'll be cracking on with the days drawing and inking once I finish the Russia with blood doc.
This is another snippet of an old sharks on a train page.
Hope you have a great day
Hello all!
Had a lovely wander with Honey and the ever so delightful K this morning, just mooching round the fields in the early morning sun.
Inked a bit of a panel this morning which has turned out less shit than usual so I'm pleased.
Potential client liked what I sent him rough wise so I get to move forward with those this week and hopefully get paid. I may even draw one up this evening.
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Morning all!
Here's another screengrab of an older page.
The wonderful K has just left with Honey, they're off to the beach.
I'll be finishing off some roughs for a potential client.
Have a great day.
Hello all!
Thanks to a mate (Paul), letting me down on Wed I had to return to town yesterday to pick my USB! Lots of travelling on an ankle held together by a sock and wishful thinking.
I did manage to get ideas for some roughs that I'll be handing in to a potential client at the end of the week and also knocked out a half page of inks for Tony's space thing.
Lil's arrived back at the cottage which was a bit of a surprise with tales about family in London.
My enchanting K has tickets to return to America for the summer so it looks like it'll just be me Honey and I at the cottage.
I'm going to be posting some older work for the next few days while I get to grips with the pages that I'm working on.
It's warm out, have a great day!
Hello all
So I managed to ink a page today without any great thought and while the page itself is a tad humdrum it's a nice bit of inking. Done on three sheets of paper so that I can mess with the layouts a bit more. I've just spent the last hour or so looking at pics of bike mechanics working in their shops.
And on a similar note the ever delectable K's car was fixed today! The lass celebrated by taking it to Tesco's to do a shop! That lass knows how to rock.
Here's an old scribble until I scan todays inks.
Have a great day.
(oh and we saw some horses up close on our walk from the mechanics this morning, loved it)
Hello all.
So I met Mr Tim Sullivan over zoom today and what a delightful chap he is. He directed episodes of the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes TV show. He's also a published author which is why he wanted to chat to me.
This is the only time I ever drew a fully digital storyboard and it took twice as long to do! I will get round to learning all the ins and outs but hmmm.
Very little work done today and we're having burgers later so very little chance of me doing anything this evening, sigh.
Have a great day/evening.
Hello all!
I'm still reeling from the horrific news that my ever enchanting K didn't like PIG! I'm heartbroken but will probably learn to love again, just not yet.
Wales made it to the world cup!
Here's a bit of something that I drew up yesterday.
Hope you've all had a great weekend.
Hello all!
It's been a bright and sunny day here I even managed to take Honey out for a couple of wanders (my ankle and knee now hate me).
Spent a bit of the day roughing out part 2 of a comic and it's been tough!
I think we're watching the Nic Cage revenger Pig a little later, I'm excited!
Right here's another frame from yesterdays storyboard.
Sausages with hot pepper sauce I think.
Hello all
Just finished a lovely little project for a chap, and I have to say it's altered the way I'm going to work on storyboards in the future. I may not even ink just use a heavy pencil.
The ever delightful K was a tad grumpy on our walk but it was sunny so Honey and I annoyed her further. She may never come out with us again!
I hope you're all having a great day.
Hello all
Had a splendid day with Paul and Rob at the shop chatting comics and trivia. Finally sorted out my Giffgaff issues, so the stinker that stole my crisps got a text full to the very brim of loveliness.
Here are a couple of doodles from the other day.
Have a great day.