Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Off to town with the fam
Last Day!
Hello all.
Hope you all have a fab day doing exciting things. I'm still getting used to the new phone so these photos are off the old phone and are apperently grey looking.
The mighty LFC play at home tonight in a cup game which could be fun.
Have a super day.
Friday, 22 September 2023
Heading out to walk the lad
Morning all!
Everyone's and pottering about. I'll be heading off with my dad in a little while to walk Murf's which is always a delight and the only exercise I get during my stay here.
Happily filling up my sketchbook while away and ignoring any client work, sometimes you just need a bit of a break.
I'll be returning to be with my darling K next week so I'm happily doing bugger all except watch the rugby and doodle away.
Have a great day.
Thursday, 21 September 2023
Off to the lakes!
Hello all!
It's a bright and sunny day here and the folks are up and about causing the usual mayhem. I've switched phones and its made things a little tricky, lost all the numbers, photos and messages (sob).
Anyway here's a doodle I doodled.
Have a great day.
Monday, 18 September 2023
Its a miserable day (and I love it)
Sunday, 17 September 2023
I'm up!
Morning all!
So it's Sunday and a very lazy start to the day, Mams asleep and Sis and Dad are off fell running with the beautiful boy. Me? Oh, I'm in bed eating Kit Kats and listening to UFO chuntterings on youtube.
I did a fail bit of doodling yesterday and here's a snippet.
Have a super day.
Saturday, 16 September 2023
Pink Stuff
Thursday, 14 September 2023
Hello all.
So I've just had some troubling news my mate R who hurt his eye while stretching for some Hobnobs and who is a splendid artist may have to wear an eye patch for a while.
My lady K seems to be ever so grumpy at the moment, but that's okay as it's not all my fault.
Great wander with the lad murfs and me dad.
Monday, 11 September 2023
Wales were lucky
Morning all!
I got up early and had a doodle. Results below.
I enjoyed yesterdays games and even managed to have a family dinner at a very posh Dixon's.
It was fun seeing the old stomping/mincing ground, things have changed and yet strangely remained the same.
Anyway, I have to eat some crisps.
Saturday, 9 September 2023
So France won the opening game!
Hello all.
I was sat watching the game with my parents last night and it was a corker! I picked France because the AB's hadn't been great in the build up games and I want a northern hem' team to win it and lets be honest it'll be either France or Ireland who are good enough.
So the below is a doodle working out some kinks with a biro.
Have a wonderful day.