The title of this post says it all.
Have a great day.
Hello all.
I finished off a FoG page and did a AA#4 sketch for the kickstarter, image below.
Early to bed for me tonight.
Have a great day.
Evening all.
Just had a rubbish chat with a long time client who has ****ed me right off! I was trying to get some art to him for the latest kickstarter (work I wouldn't be paid for, for months) and there was laptop nonsense which meant I lost my latest art for his project and to top it off he told a mate he could do the cover!!
LFC won. Other than that it's been a quiet day, I've had fleeting glimpses of the lovely K who's been terribly busy.
I laughed at the boxing result, not all MMA lads and lasses are crap boxers.
Have a super evening.
Hello all.
Yep as you can tell I'm excited for this evenings world cup final. It's been a great 6 weeks and I even went to visit my family so I could take in several games (on the TV).
So T, the writer on AA wants to do a kickstarter and wants it to start on Halloween so I'm doing a couple of panels/pages to try and get some eye's on this the fourth instalment of the Lovecrafitian inspired nightmare.
Anyway, have a fantastic weekend.
Hello all.
I've been busy doodling on a project. The below is a digital t-shirt design I came up with ages ago but I'm only now getting round to doing digitally.
Hope you have a super day.
Morning all.
So it's incredibly wet here with one or two of the small bridges flooded out according to my delectable lady K who got drenched on her adventure with Honey. I've spent the morning in bed trying to sort out two horrid panels and guess what? I could have redrawn them in half the time and been able to move on with another page.
My delight at finishing a major project has came crashing down as yet more pages need reworking!!!
Enjoy all the rugby this weekend.
Evening all.
As the title suggests I had some time today and basically goofed off firstly to town with the ever so glam K for a mooch and then realising that a monster project had been finished I decided to play with a couple of pages from Harriet.
Hope you've had a grand day.
Hello all.
So this morning I woke up to the news that my other ginger hooligan had died. She was 17 and a half and mayhem from the moment S and I got her. Funnily enough I was looking at some old photos of her Zorro and Han Solo over the weekend looking for an old project. It was a happy distraction. All are sadly missed.
Anyway enough sadness, here's a patch I did this morning for R and thankfully we're almost at the end of this project (although the nightmare is just begining for my delightful K) and I can start to properly think about things to bring the year to a close.
Have a wonderful day.
So did you all watch the weekends rugby? Crikey there was wonderful rugby on show.
Anyway had a crap day but did a doodle I like, Now listening to the Twilight singers do a cover of Live with me with Mark Lanegan - stunning.
Have a great day/evening I'm off to quickly give the hooch a wander round the postbox.
Hello all.
So while changing an inner tube part of my disk brake fell apart! (sad face emoji)
Here's a page I had to tinker with this morning. The ever so beautiful K is under the weather and kept me company while I drew.
Have a super day.
Morning all!
I'm covered in spiders webs and have just broken my £1 doodling glasses!
I've taken a few days with this doodle because I quite like it.
Have a great day.
Afternoon all!
So a comic that's been on a break for a few months has came roaring back to life this week and I've just finished a new page for it, nothing spectaacular but pretty good to be back drawing these characters again.
My mates husband died nine years ago today and I never ever remember... such a dick.
It's been a lovely day listening to my adorable K chatting and laughing with her daughter.
Great wander with the gal again this morning we met the young lass in charge of Bert and Jet (I say in charge, but its more a controlled drag).
Another new photo but of old folio work.
Have a great day.
Morning all.
I had a splendid wander with the gal and a lovely chat and laugh with my delightful K when we got back. It's bright and sunny not at all like a usual October.
Getting the hang of the phone thanks to K.
The below image is a panel in rough blues.
Music this morning is the gloomy doom of MINDKULT and its wonderful.
Hello all!
Sorry for the delay in getting any new updates to you (as if you care). I had an issue with the old phone and I'm still trying to work out the kinks of the new one.
Anyway, here's a test photo I took for instagram a couple of days ago of some old work.
Hope you've had a great weekend.
By the way my amazing K talked me through how to get the photo's off the phone. I am a dimmer!