Saturday 7 September 2024

I'm back!!

 Hello all.

Sorry for the lack of posts/updates for the last few month. Truth be told I've loads of new work to share but I was stuck working on something that sapped my will to live so I spent a lot less time on the web.

 I'm currently working on a Kickstarter for Abyssal Albion #4 which seem to have stalled out. But my beautiful K and I are working on a comic together that we're hoping to kickstart in the next couple of month - the vast majority is roughed out and ready to be inked up. Oh and apparently and old project is going to be kickstarted soon as well.

 LFC defeated the horrid Mancs 0-3! I was in Cumbria on a bike ride with my la sis and laughed as the news filtered back.

 So here's page 1 of #4  for you to have a look at.

 Have a fantastic weekend.



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