Monday, 29 June 2020

Warm tones on Tom's doodles

 Hey all

 Kim's out shopping and I've been doodling on a slightly delayed project and using some markers on some doodles.

 Hugs and love


Saturday, 27 June 2020

Sad Tit Boy

Hello All you utterly splendid people

 I hope that the change in the weather hasn't dampend your jovial good mood! Personally I love a bit of the rain.

 So a bittersweet day today, my mate Tich's mam died recently and he's a little sad about the whole thing, he also had a couple of mates die over the last couple of months. To hell with social distancing I gave him  the biggest hug. Love my mate!

 Here's a doodle from the other evening.

 The ever enchanting K is downstairs playing with Honey and the pair of them are causing the usual mayhem.

 Hoping for a storm tonight.

 Lots of love


Thursday, 25 June 2020

LFC are champions for the 19th time!!

 Wasn't sure it would ever happen in my lifetime but by golly it has and I'm a little teary eyed!

 30 year wait is over and I need a nap!

 Tonight's doodle.

 Nothing but love


Monday, 22 June 2020


 were utter dog poop last night!

 Bit of maiden this morning and an awful lot of ink was spilled on todays pages.

 The ever glamourous K and Honey are getting ready to go out and I'm going to nip down to the CO_OP for some sweeties.

 Have an amazing evening.



Friday, 19 June 2020

More footy and doodles

 Hello all

 I've had a splendid day hanging out with the ever charming K, a quick visit to town where I bumped into an old chum who's grown out his hair and it looks gut wrenchingly horrid. I saw Rob all alone in his shop and just missed the boy tit!

 I made KFC style spicy chicken bits for the first time and they were nice (its possible I'm a less hairy and sweary Gordan Ramsey), K had several bits. I think the secrets the egg and cornflour and lashings of spices.

 Been doodling a comic page and ****ing it up!

 Cardinal looking sad.

 Have a super evening.


Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Football begins again

 Hello all you splendid people

 I'm happily listening to the first game in 100 days! Delighted to have the footy back and to have radio 5 playing while I doodle.

 The magical K has just returned from walking Honey and is now off to cause mayhem.

 Hope you have a wonderful evening.


Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Pizza Night

 Hello all

 Yesterday was spent with my chum Rob in his comic shop chuntering about various subjects but always coming back to the comics. And yes I did buy lots of chisel tipped marker pens for a £1.

 The ever delightful K is working on several papers today so I haven't seen much of her, but I did make a call and get her long overdue wood delivered. That's right I'm a hero folks!

 I'll be drawing and inking several pages over the coming days - yep I'm that bored so I'll keep you updated.

 I may need to doodle even more space pirates in the coming days.

 I hope you're enjoying a super day.

 The below cover was coloured by Sean and it looks fantastic (although there needs to be some changes), he always does a corking job. That's Sean Callahan people for all your colouring needs (you can find him at callahancolours at Instagram and deviantart)

 face mask air kisses


Friday, 12 June 2020

Wander round Woodbridge in the sunshine

 Hello all

 I hope todays been a splendid action packed Friday.

 K's birthday tomorrow and for once I've got her some presents (I'm so cool - I know)

 Best part of my day finishing up another doodle. I finished up this one yesterday (or another day, but it was sometime) and I don't hate it.

 Almost finished up roughing out a comic project.

 Have a splendid evening!

 Lots of hugs



Thursday, 11 June 2020

Still no wood but a new duvet!

 Hello all

 Gosh did I get wet this morning walking Honey!

 Not a lot of drawing but I did get to spend a bit of time with the delightful K getting a KFC.

 Song of the day Chris Cornell - Like a Stone just a cracking song by a guy who is sorely missed.

 The below doodle is from the little sketchpad I've been carrying around for a little while (just bought three more).

 Hope you're all safe and healthy.



Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Lots of ink..

.. but no wood was delivered so it feels like a wasted day!

 Hello all

 I hope you're all enjoying a rip roaring adventure filled day, or just having fun.

 I was supposed to be out and about to today but thanks to the delivery chaps not arriving and the wonderfully quirky K refusing to ring them it was a dog walking and doodling day. I have a sketchbook (A5) that I take everywhere with me and its been filled so I'm just going through it and adding a lot of ink, the below doodle belongs in that book.

 Song of the day Wolfheart - The Hunt

 The ginger beast buggered off chasing who knows what into the tall grass again this morning!!! She's a swine!

 Have a great day/evening


Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Picking up poop

 Hello all you lovely people I hope that you're well.

 I had an okay wander with the ginger loon this morning, we saw but didn't chase several deer (we did however see something also deerlike and chase it while off lead, but we don't speak about that), the old man with the greyhound has started to chat again after the last incident which is nice.

 I'm working on roughing out several pages of a comic called Plainer Jane which is interesting, I had a fun couple of hours roughing out a page for a potential client and again that story seems like it could be a fun doodle.

 The ever amazing K is editing a paper downstairs and its quiet so she must be concentrating but I'm sure if I asked she'd say 'Hello' to you all.

 Inked a couple of fun little doodles yesterday and I'll post them in the coming days. (the below doodle is an A3 page of poop done using an old brush ruined by ink, there's another knocking around somewhere I may try and dig it out)

 Listening to lots of soundtracks today and nothings stood out so song of the day will have to be last nights Pallbearer's cover of the Sabbath classic Over and Over a corking tune.



Friday, 5 June 2020


 Hello all and a huge apology for not posting anything this week!

 I've been working on character sheets and I'm never a fan of having to work on character sheets!!!

 Still I have a bunch of fun doodles that just need to be inked  so I'll be back to posting on a more regular basis soon.

 My ever so delightful K is downstairs either editing a paper or writing one (its difficult to keep track), and deserves a huge thank you for taking the ginger beast for her morning walk which allowed me to have an extra long nap (I walked her twice yesterday).

 The below is the final inked cover of last Sundays post (it was liked by an old marvel artist the client was rather thrilled), Sean is colouring it even as I write this.

 Have a wonderful Friday.
