Have a great day/evening (K says Hi)
Have a great day/evening (K says Hi)
Hello All
I really like this doodle for a T design but it'll need to be lightboxed and resized.
You look fantastic by the way
Hello all
Hope you're all enjoying a great Friday.
Michael sent this freshly printed T-shirt over to me this afternoon. I can't believe my scribbles made it onto a very nice T.
Have a fantastic evening.
Hello all
Spent the day chuntering to the ever delightful K and drawing this hellish tree.
Had a great conversation with a T-shirt designer last night so it looks like some of my doodles may end up on some shirts. The mock ups looked great.
LFC have signed a fantastic new midfielder, very exciting, whoooo hoooo.
Have a great evening
Hello all
Today we witnessed a rather wonderful thing. Yep Honey hung out with another dog without any real fuss while I nattered to its owner. Hopefully next time I'll get a video.
Kim sends her love and says Hi
Hello all
The ever wonderful K has been colouring my scribbbles and making them look good!! Stinky digital crap that I cant work!
Have a fantastic Saturday!
Hello all
Sorry for the lack of updates but my knee is pretty much keeping me in bed. Stinky knee.
I spent a couple of hours on the digital thing this afternoon, here are some of the crappy results.
The lady K has just came back from wandering Honey - bye.