Sunday, 31 May 2020

Inky Sunday

 Hello All

 I hope you've all enjoyed a relaxing Sunday. I met the son of a Lord who gave us permission to walk on his land, I thought the ever so delightful K would faint.

 I had to ink a cover today so its been very quiet.

 Have a hug.


Saturday, 30 May 2020

Relaxing Saturday

 Hello All

 I'm having a relaxing Saturday, pondering a new cover idea (well two actually) and laughing with K and her monsterous plans at cleaning up the house! I'm far to good looking to help so I think she'll try and get the girls involved.

 Here's a vid of the latest completed page, I'm not loving it but..

 I hope you're all having a great day.


Thursday, 28 May 2020

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The ginger beast returns!!!!

 Hey all you delightful lockdown people

 So after weeks of being well behaved with me off lead this morning Honey decided to **** off into the long grass only to return after much barking (from a distance I might add) and from a different field looking utterly thrilled with her little adventure.

 My utterly wonderful K who loves Honey more than me (heartless but beautiful) and possibly her kids would have thrashed me to within an inch of my life if I returned without the ginger beast.

 Its been a drawing day a few horrid hours on a steampunk thing which I'm inking even though they expressly asked me not to. And I've done some very quick character sheets for a new client.

 My splendid nephew is a music production nerd but in a good way!

 Hope you've all had a good day.


Monday, 25 May 2020

Just a shit show!

 Hello all my fellow lockdown chums

 Just been listening to the PM and Boris (ho ho) and its clear the pair of them are a shower of shits!

 I had such a fun time doing the below page and here it is in the raw! I believe Tom is starting to put together a Ks campaign and obviously I'll keep you informed.

 Had a lovely start to the day and a great wander with the lass (K's just taking her out now for her evening stroll) and been working on several character sheets. I may do some quick layouts this evening for a potential new client.

 Song of the day - the witch - the trivium lads on the roadrunner 20th anniversary cd.

 Don't do a Cummings (***t).



Sunday, 24 May 2020

Queue for B n Q was slightly bonkers

 Hello all

 I've just finished emailing a client about character sheets and laughing at his love for a Demon witch.

 Potential new clients have been in touch with kind words about my scribbles which is always a boost for my ego (I even did 35 skips in a row)!

 Not sure how I feel about the below page but its around 1 year old now, drew it on a kitchen table somewhere, the comic overall was quite a pleasant experience so cheers Franky.

 The insanely wonderful K dragged me to BnQ for a quick shop, neither of us realised that the wait would be 40+ minutes just to get into the store! Still no art shops open - I don't need anything but if BnQ is open then its time to open all the art shops!!

 I'm shattered after taking the bounding Honey for her evening wander so I'll say g'night.

 Internet hugs.


Thursday, 21 May 2020

More helicopters cue more barking!

 Evening all

 My ever delightful K is downstairs editing a particulary tricky paper on something complex and I'm upstairs doodling character concepts for an upcoming project (doodle below) and watching Modern Family.

 Had a great wander with Honey this morning didn't see anyone else although K was supposed to come with us but faked sleep - the stinker!

 Other than lots of drawing its been another quiet day "a blending of worlds"

 Safe air kisses to you all.


Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Honey barks at helicopters!!

Hi all (K)

 A very quiet day so far but we do seem to be having an awful lot of helicopters flying overhead lately.

 Hope you've enjoyed your day.


Monday, 18 May 2020

A very exciting start to the day ..

.. and a cheeky bike ride.

 Hello all you lovely people!

 Happy Birthday to my Nephew whom I love dearly. He unlike his uncle has fantastic hair and is a terribly talented muso/producer and all round wonderful chap.

 I'm in a splendid mood thanks to the ever delightful K and the work which I managed to do today.

 Turns out Bluetooth is a real thing and I'm able to transfer the vids from my phone to my laptop and I did it all by myself!

 So Honey caught a cat.

 Onto a different project tomorrow but I may post some concepts for Toms cover if I get the time.

 YouTube moment of the day - rocking in the free world - worldwide jam.

 I hope you've had a great day.

 Air kisses

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Peri Peri Sunday

 Hello all

 I licked the delightful K and it was mainly dirt with a hint of sunshine (it's been one of those days).

 The title of today blog represents a splendid sandwich that I made!

 Its been a vaguely productive day in that I've completed around half of Toms second page. The video below is a snippet of page one (fingers crossed the video works. It didn't so it'll have to be a doodle I'm afraid). I'm hoping page two looks just as good.

 K says 'Hi' but she's busy with an edit, pfft!

 Had a lovely stroll with Honey this morning (apart from losing her for a couple of minutes, but we don't need to mention that to anyone).

 Song of the day - While my guitar gently weeps - the Beatles, love that tune.

 Anyway its been a quiet day.

 Stay safe - social distancing air kisses and hugs.


Friday, 15 May 2020

Its Lockdown Friday!!

 Hello all

 I hope you're all enjoying the end to yet another lockdown week which seems to have flown by in an endless procession of bad doodles, sweets and dog walks.

 The below drawing is for a Kickstarter campaign being set up by Tom Campbell, writer, father and all round decent chap. I'll be posting other snippets of pages and doodles related to his comic, called by the way Abyssal Albio. Once I get all the information I'll post it here and on my Instagram feed.

 I had the pleasure of seeing the frankly bonkers Honey rolling around in the tall frosty grass this morning which made me laugh.

 K says 'Hello' and is looking slightly tanned after working in the garden all afternoon (or it could be dirt who knows with that lass).

 Right I'm off to watch some rubbish and perhaps eat a couple of burgers wrapped up in some Hot Pepper sauce.

 I hope you're all safe and virus free.


Thursday, 14 May 2020

Its been awhile

 Hello all you lovely lockdown people.

 Its been a few days of many dog walks lots of music and some okay doodles. I'm working on a project where I have to design the characters and by golly its dull! I'm more your give me the script and lets go sort of chap.

 The below layout is for a very nice chap who's asked me to draw up a couple of pages from his excellent script which he hopes to get kickstarted. I'll probably ink it up tomorrow. I have no idea why I drew it up in a weird brown brush pen.

 Song of the day - AC/DC's Problem Child.

 Oh and before I forget I saw a fox AND two munkjacks on the same walk!!! I know.

 Hope everyone is safe and healthy.


Friday, 8 May 2020

Lockdown - the bank holiday heist

 Hello all

 Its yet another sunny and lovely day here - I'm bored of sunny lovely days!!

 The beautiful K is off gardening and I'm about to start yet another character sheet.

 Honey and I startled a deer in the wood near K's house which was quite exciting, Honey even tried to give chase. It felt very Turner and Hooch as I limped along behind her getting caught up in bramble bushes.

 I hope you're all having a splendid start to the bank holiday.

 Stay safe

 Last of my space pirate doodles from a week ago.


Wednesday, 6 May 2020


.. I pulled out a tooth yesterday. Don't judge me I was in pain and I wanted to eat some sweets. The ever enchanting K looked at me as though I was insane (I'm not and I have the medical certificate to prove it).

 I introduced my rather wonderful lass to my parents yesterday via a live video - K charmed them with her American folksy ways, my parents were .. well my parents.

 I even got to meet my (admittedly snoozing), great niece for the first time, she was underwhelmed by the experience.

 I told Lily a funny hellhound poo leaking story and she laughed.

 I didn't go shopping so I'll nip into the Co-op tomorrow or just visit the village shop.

 Hello all and I hope its been a fun day (I met a chap called Tom who wrote a comic)

 Please stay safe and well.


 (I drew the below a couple of weeks ago and laughed)

Monday, 4 May 2020

Stinky Ankle

 Hello all

 I hope you're all enjoying a splendid lockdown Monday. The delightful K is gardening and attempting to tame the hound from hell (it's not working).

 I've hurt my ankle walking the said hell hound and have had to do some actual work to take my mind off the pain. I discovered another form of hell, character sheets!

 Here's a doodle I did a couple of weeks ago - I've ran out of my £1 wilco marker pens.

 Hope you're all safe and well.

 Fancy none touching but very complex high five.


Sunday, 3 May 2020

Come on Come on Come on!!

 Hello all (K says 'Hi' - stinky American)

 So its been a very rock n roll Sunday so far, I've had the dog out (while stinky American stayed in bed snoozing), saw a few rabbits and three deer which was pretty fantastic. I feel incredibly lucky to be staying where I am, so few people and masses of fields.

 Off to poundland for some sweeties and a pick up at screw fix!

 Have a fantastic day.

 Social distancing air kisses.

 Doodled this while waiting for K


Friday, 1 May 2020

When ink is not your chum

 Hey all

 Normal day (K looks splendid and has been playing in the garden), dog walking, music and doodles.

 I hope you're all safe and well and holding boredom at bay.

 Air kisses.

 (one this mornings doodles, this had promise the other got ripped up)
